SleevSaver Media / Press Kit

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SleevSaver Prosthetic Suspension Sleeve Life Duration Enhancer" width="288" height="84"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SleevSaver Prosthetic Suspension Sleeve Life Duration Enhancer" width="288" height="84"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="SleevSaver Prosthetic Suspension Sleeve Life Duration Enhancer" width="288" height="84"></a>

Official SleevSaver Colors:

If you wish to create your own media to share, use these official SleevSaver colors in your media.

SleevSaver Orange:

SleevSaver Silver:

SleevSaver Dark:

SleevSaver Logos:

If you wish to create your own media to share, use the official SleevSaver logo and link to our homepage.

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SleevSaver Product Images:

If you wish to create your own marketing material for SleevSaver, use these product images in your design.